Reviews On The Day Satan Called

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  • The Day Satan Called by Bill Scott is an amazing book illustrating God’s power and the Christian’s access to His strength and power. I personally believe in Satan’s power and the scripture in 1 Peter 5:8 “…the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” NKJ. This book can be used as a true testimony to people dealing with demon possession, as well as Satan’s hold on and influence with addictions and other evil activities. I sent certain passages from the book to my son, in prison, who believes he is battling himself when in fact he is battling Satan. Tapping into God’s power and strength is the only hope we have to overcome evil. Also the book testifies to the fact that we are involved in a spiritual warfare whether we Christians want to believe it or not. I believe we should give God credit and glory for His amazing love and power, but also know who Satan is and be aware of his part in bringing evil to this life.  I believe the “messages” this book conveys is a necessity as we are living in these end times where Satan is busy.
  • Thank you so much Bill for writing this book and giving us such a clear insight into the Spiritual realm. This book actually brought me a real sense of courage from the power through Jesus Christ which I always knew was there, but being able to see it through someone elses experience really gives me a Peace which surpasses all understanding.  Thank you for your boldness in bringing this book to us.
  • I have been involved in deliverance ministries before and it was still an eye opener. Lots to think about and I’ve already put some of the knowledge into practice. Thank you for lifting the veil on what can sometimes seem like a very daunting mission.
  • It normally takes me a week to finish a book because I let things distract me. I could NOT put this book down! The end was not what I expected… but then, I’m not sure what I was expecting. lol.  The writing is interesting, compelling, AND encouraging. I realize it seems strange to say that a book about encountering demons is “encouraging”. The information and open account of event and feelings have helped me understand some events in my family’s lives. If God is using us to bring light to the world and encourage His family, we’re a threat to the enemy. If you’re a threat to the enemy, he’s gonna try to make your life miserable. A friend often used this phrase, “If you’re taking flack, you’re over the target!” So, it’s OK… greater is He that is in me…!!   May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. – Romans 15:13
  • This was an amazing story. I am so thankful that Bill Scott decided to share his experience with us. Spiritual warfare is something that the Bible talks about but pastors rarely talk about. As Christians, we need to be prepared to battle. Bill Scott’s book was a valuable resource, to remind us of the power of God over the evil one. After reading this book, I believe I am better prepared…. more able to recognize when a spiritual battle may be taking place, and ready to stand against the evil one, in Jesus’ name.
  • I have never reviewed a book before here on Amazon, but this is the book that made me post one. This book is a page turner! From start to finish it will have you hooked. My daughter picked up and read it in one day! Later I purchased the book on tape and my wife and I listened to it on a road trip. She loved it too! Do I review what it is about… no, I couldn’t do it justice. Do I believe it’s all true? Absolutely! I think most people will be blown away by this book. My best advice, give it a shot, I think you’ll love it. It will make you think! After you read it, write a review. I’d like to know what you think. Enjoy the read!
  • This book definitely was a page turner. I decided to read the book as I have had some familial experience with demons, demon possession and satanic cults as a child. It is a topic few in conservative Christianity address or confront. I know because for most of my life I was just like the rest of them. However through a series of tragic events, God brought these past memories up again. I resonated with allot of the struggles with the demons that Bill wrote about. I am do glad he had the courage to write it and expose such hidden evil, but even more, testify to how God is so much bigger than anything the Enemy can throw at us.
  • This book will let people know that Satan is powerful, BUT God is more powerful. Many people think spiritual warfare is something “fanatics” speak of, but it is more real than the physical world we live in each day. When we realize there is more to this life that what we can see, hear, or touch, then our lives can be transformed and we can make a difference to a lost and dying world.
  • This book is incredibly useful to your life, but the tools to understand what Satan is all about. The battle we face and the daily struggles we go through on a everyday basis is soooooo needful. You really get to see and feel what things could actually affect your daily walk with the Lord. Do we pray enough? What are you watching on the internet? Your friends? Surroundings? Spiritual walk?
  • This Book is Amazing I know is Real I went trough the same situation with a evil entity I tough I was the only one going trough something like this but i was wrong.this Book took me Back to That Day.I give 5 stars to This Book If you are a Open minded Person You Most Read it.
  • This Book is Amazing I know is Real I went trough the same situation with a evil entity I tough I was the only one going trough something like this but i was wrong.this Book took me Back to That Day.I give 5 stars to This Book If you are a Open minded Person You Most Read it.
  • I have read several books on demons, exorcisms and attempts to deal with this through a Christian perspective. Bill Scott’s latest installment on this subject is simply riveting. Anyone immersed in the Christian faith will in all likelihood have personal encounters with real evil, for there is a constant battle going on for our souls. Bill Scott’s book and experiences detail this battle from the front lines — I read it in a day. As a Catholic convert we recognize the huge power of prayer, invoking the angels and saints, the Blessed Mother and our heavenly Jesus to help us personally, and help the world in its entirety as the battle continues. A prayer to Saint Michael is at least a daily invocation to ward off the devil, and yet the devil can come to us in such subtle ways. As Scott continually intones, God is stronger and greater than any evil, and we have nothing to fear if we are with God, yet the devil does truly exist as Scott chronicles so amazingly. I give this four and a half stars.
  • I was very excited to read this book after reading a review about it on by Michael Bradley. There is not enough information out there about demonic warfare. Most Christians like to believe that dark forces only exist in third world counties. I am thankful for a book that gets the conversation going again. The demonic realm is real and we need more than a weekly sermon to kick its butt!
  • I think the author did an excellent job portraying his experiences. Although I believe that most of us will not come so directly face to face with Satan and his armies, they ARE real and around us always.  Many people will likely doubt Bills’ story as the truth is a frightening thing. If Satan is real and prowling around us, then so is God, and Hell is a real place.  I know that as a Christian this book only served to strengthen my already strong faith. I thought it was very tastefully done and did not scare me because Bill makes a point always of reminding the reader of the power of Jesus.  I got a sense of victory at the end. Goodness WILL prevail.
  • Don’t get me wrong. I am a believer and believe that there is a battle that goes on all around us all the time that we don’t even realize. But I have to be honest in that I’ve read similar books before so I went into this thinking that at the very least I would get a mild amount of entertainment value out of it. However, after reading the entire book, not only was it entertaining but it gave a greater encouragement to my faith and to my daily walk.
  • They story itself flows well and the author, to his credit, really tries to paint the picture of why he waited so long to tell the story and to help the reader understand more about his experiences. Needless to say, I do not wish his experience on anyone. It reminds me of a quote from the movie “The Usual Suspects” – “The greatest trick the devil even played was convincing the world he didn’t exist”. Pick up this book and pass it along to someone else who needs to hear the truth!
  • I finished reading the whole book in 8 hrs. I could not put it down for to long, it was just writen so well. I like all the details in the book, it made me feel like i was there experiencing it with bill scott as it was happening. Read this book at your own risk because i had alot of strange things happen while i was reading the day satan called. I had some thing knocking on my windows at 3:00 am and something turning the power off and on while reading it.